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Are you looking for Christmas gift basket ideas for your mom this holiday season? Instead of trying to decide what to put in a Christmas gift basket, we have a wide selection from you to choose from to make life easier.

So let’s start spreading the holiday cheer early and get to our favourite holiday gift baskets in Toronto.

1. Santa’s Reindeer

The Santa’s Reindeer gift basket is filled with all sorts of delectable goodies and can be added to your holiday decorations when you’re done. If your mom loves chocolate and caramel, this is the perfect fit. This gift basket includes caramel popcorn, Ghirardelli chocolate squares, caramel chews, and many more indulgent treats.

2. Holiday Tower

The Holiday Tower is a classic gift basket that any mom would love. This 4-tiered tower holds all your favourite holiday treats including peppermint bark, mint balls, shortbread, chocolate-covered pretzels, and much more.  The Holiday Tower is the perfect combination of crunch and creamy snacks.

3. Christmas Cheer

The Christmas Cheer gift basket will bring your mom warmth on those cold winter days. It’s a festive dream of hot chocolate, Lindor chocolates, brownie brittle, Belgian chocolates, and a number of holiday cookies. If your mom has a sweet tooth, this is definitely the perfect match.

4. Joy of Christmas

The Joy of Christmas gift basket is a winter wonderland of treats. It’s packed with brownie brittle, Lindt and Ghirardelli chocolates, hot chocolate, caramel milk chocolate, and much more. When thinking about Christmas gift basket ideas for Mom, this should definitely be one of the top contenders.

5. Christmas Nutcracker

If you’re wondering what to put in a Christmas gift basket, why not put everything? The Christmas Nutcracker gift basket will fill your mom (and the lucky ones she shares it with) with the holiday spirit. This gift basket contains hazelnut crunch, Lindt confections, Belgian chocolates, and much more. Although this gift basket is big, it will disappear before you know it.

With all these Christmas gift basket ideas for Mom, you’ll be sure to find something that she’ll love. Get in touch with us today or visit one of our Toronto locations to get the perfect holiday gift baskets.

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