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To all those men out there who have missed the Valentine’s Day gifting memo, well here it is!

This is a day that might as well be a statutory holiday. Pink flowers, red roses, boxes of chocolates, red wine and more!! All of the mentioned items are not wants on Valentine’s Day, but are simply the terms on which that significant other will either keep you around or kick ya to the curb. That’s why we, at Nutcracker Sweet, are here for the betterment of your relationship! Gifting the perfect gift basket of chocolates is the ultimate way to a women’s heart, not to mention that side of wine and a big red bow to top it all off. Our handcrafted baskets are built to perfection as each item is carefully placed and properly positioned to live up to the occasion. From truffles to Lindt chocolates, cheese platters, nuts of all sorts, and bread dippers just to name a few! If you want it, we got it!To all men; a simple basket will scream I love you! For the sole reason that all of your ladies’ guilty pleasures are all packed in this beautiful presentation!

valentines day gift baskets ideasNow ladies, if you’re out there reading this, you’re not getting off the hook that easy. Just like your men know you expect something, your men expect some sweet loving back! Nutcracker Sweet presents the man cave of ideas when it comes to Valentine’s Day for HIM. We bring a male romance to each and every basket built. From meat trays and sauces, to pizza and beverages, Nutcracker Sweet will have your guy in awe. No better way to a man’s heart then through his stomach after all! There is no better way to say I love you than with your man’s favourite food and drinks! Our mission at Nutcracker Sweet is to take away all of that built up “what do I do, what do I get” stress by exposing you to our beautiful and charming selection of handcrafted baskets.

Snuggle up on the couch with a basket of popcorn. Make a dinner with the perfect cheese plate. Enjoy a steamy hot chocolate with extra marshmallows after a romantic ice skate. Our Toronto gift basket delivery exposes you to all of this and more! Our gift baskets aren’t just ordinary baskets, but in fact, a wrapped up way of saying I love you.

Ladies and gentleman for the sake of your relationship, choose Nutcracker Sweet!

Peach, Love & Basket On

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